barbarawoods, PHD

-intergenerational trauma program founder-

"Effective therapy involves not just treating individual traumas but understanding the family system's collective narrative."

In our latest episode, we consider the complexity of intersecting narratives in intergenerational trauma therapy. As therapists, understanding how different family members' trauma experiences intersect and influence each other is crucial for effective treatment and healing. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the topics we covered in this episode, along with key insights and strategies to apply in your practice.

1. Intersecting Trauma Experiences

Understanding the Intersection: Intergenerational trauma doesn’t affect family members in isolation. Each person's trauma story intersects with others, creating a complex web of shared and individual experiences. Recognizing these intersections is the first step in addressing the root causes of trauma within a family system.

Illustrative Example: Consider a family where a grandparent's experience of war impacts the parent's parenting style, which in turn affects the child’s sense of security. This cascade effect illustrates how trauma can trickle down through generations, influencing behaviors, emotional responses, and relationships.

Therapeutic Insight: Therapists can benefit from mapping out family histories to identify these intersections. Tools like genograms can be instrumental in visualizing and understanding these complex relationships.

2. Family Dynamics and Trauma Expression

Impact of Family Dynamics: Family dynamics play a significant role in how trauma is experienced and expressed. Power structures, communication patterns, and relational bonds within a family can either exacerbate or mitigate the impact of trauma.

Case Study: In one case, a controlling parental approach might suppress open communication, leading to unaddressed trauma in younger family members. Conversely, a supportive family environment can foster resilience and healing.

Therapist's Role: Therapists need to navigate these dynamics carefully, fostering open communication and healthy relationships to support the healing process.

3. Validating Trauma Experiences

Challenges in Validation: One of the significant challenges therapists face is validating each family member’s trauma experience.  This is particularly difficult when the trauma is within the family or when family members are impacted very differently. Each person's narrative is unique, and their perception of events can differ vastly.

Real-Life Scenarios: In some families, older generations may downplay the trauma experiences of younger members, considering them less significant. This invalidation can hinder family connection, communication, and the healing process.

Therapeutic Strategies: Therapists should practice active listening, empathy, and validation. Acknowledging each person's experience as valid and significant is crucial in building trust and fostering a therapeutic alliance.

4. Addressing Invalidation

Understanding Invalidation: Invalidation occurs when a person's trauma experience is dismissed or undermined by others. This can lead to feelings of isolation and increased emotional distress.

Therapeutic Techniques: Therapists can use techniques such as reflective listening and validation to address invalidation. Creating a safe space where all family members feel heard and understood is essential.

Role-Playing Exercise: Incorporating role-playing exercises in therapy sessions can help family members understand each other's perspectives and practice validating each other's experiences.

5. Generational Differences in Trauma Experience

Exploring Generational Gaps: Generational differences can significantly impact how trauma is experienced and expressed. Older generations might have different coping mechanisms compared to younger ones.

Therapeutic Approaches: Bridging these generational gaps involves open dialogue and education. Therapists can facilitate discussions that highlight these differences and foster mutual understanding.

Example Dialogue: Imagine a session where a grandparent shares their wartime experiences, while the grandchild discusses their anxiety in a modern context. The therapist can help both see the common threads of fear and resilience in their narratives.

6. Storytelling and Family Resilience

Power of Storytelling: Storytelling is a powerful tool in therapy. It allows family members to share their experiences in a structured and meaningful way, promoting understanding and empathy.

Examples and Techniques: Therapists can encourage family members to share their stories, focusing on resilience and growth. Storytelling can also help identify patterns and themes that run through generations.

Impact Assessment: Regularly assessing the impact of storytelling on family dynamics can help therapists adjust their approach and ensure that it supports healing and resilience.

7. Intervening in Invalidation

Recognizing Invalidation: Therapists must be adept at recognizing when one family member's trauma experience is being invalidated by others. This requires keen observation and sensitivity.

Intervention Strategies: Intervention strategies include facilitating open conversations, setting ground rules for respectful communication, and using therapeutic techniques to rebuild trust and validation.

Case Illustration: Consider a scenario where a parent dismisses their child's feelings of anxiety. The therapist can intervene by validating the child's experience and helping the parent understand its significance.


In this episode, we explored the complexity of intersecting narratives in intergenerational trauma therapy. Understanding how family members' trauma experiences influence each other, addressing family dynamics, validating experiences, and using storytelling are all essential strategies for therapists. By integrating these approaches, therapists can support healing and resilience in families dealing with intergenerational trauma.


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